What are the sources of surrogates?
It is the responsibility of the genetic couple to find their own host. The infertility clinics in the UK are not allowed, by laws, to make host surrogacy arrangements.
The Surrogact Arrangement Act 1985 in the UK banned the commerialisation of surrogacy, but the HFE Act 2008 permits non-profit organisations to charge a fee to advertise and match surrogates with commissioning parents. Both parties sign a surrogacy agreement which is lawful but legally unenforceable. The contract usually cover many eventualities such as fetal abnormalities, miscariages, funeral arrangement if the baby dies and, payment in details; full payment for a healthy baby, but reduced payment in case of miscarriage, additional payment in case of unplanned surgery such as hysterectomy etc. A successful surrogate agreement relies on the cooperation of all parties.
It is not illegal for a surrogate in UK to be paid expenses- usually 12000 to 20000 sterling pounds but there is no limit. In USA, surrogacy is more common and highly regulated, payments of tens of thousands to surrogates are common.
The surrogate can be known or anonymous. Known surrogates can be relatives such as sisters or friends. Whereas anonymous surrogates can be arranged privately. In the UK through non-commercial voluntary agencies such as COTS ( childlessness overcome through surrogacy), surrogacy UK, Brillant Beginnings and My Surrogacy Journey.
A recent research reported that children of gestatinal carriers expressed positive feelings about experience and pride in their mothers effort to help others.