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IVF success

Covers the main factors affecting the success rate of a couple undergoing IVF treatment.

Couples always ask "What are our chances of having a child using IVF/ICSI?"

The success of IVF treatment depends on several factors.

The chance of an individual couple of having a baby following one completed cycle of IVF treatment depends on two main factors. Firstly, the overall success rate of the treatment clinic (centre) and secondly, the characteristics of couple seeking treatment.

The overall live birth rate per treatment cycle is rising steadily by approximately 1% a year. Each age group has experienced significant increases in success rates.

Age 2004 2012 2022
Less than 35 36.9% 39.8%
35-37 29.3% 30.9%
38-40 19.5% 21.1%
40-42 10.7% 11.5%
43-44 3.4% 3.6%
Over 44 <1%

Data adapted from the SART reports: 2004,2012 and 2024

Age 2005 2012 2022
Less than 35 29.6% 32.3% 35%
35-37 23.6% 19% 26%
38-39 18.2% 14% 18%
40-42 10% 8% 10%
43-44 3.2% 3.4% 5%
Over 44 0.8%

Data adapted from the HFEA patient reports 2005, 2009 and 2024

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